Full setlist based on the tape provided by wookie on archive.org:
Date: April 19, 2023[1]
Artist: Dogs In A Pile
Venue: Lost Lake Lounge
Location: Denver, CO
First Set: Blues for Brian > Southbound[2][3] > Blues for Brian > Funky Bitch[2][4] > Blues for Brian > Southbound[3] > Blues for Brian > 4th of July > G Song > Run-Around[2][5] > China Cat Sunflower[6] > Craig and Pat[7] > Home Again[8] > Run-Around[5] Craig and Pat, Voodoo Lady >[9] Boogie on Reggae Woman >[10] Linus and Lucy[11]
Second Set: Jack & Coke > Let It Grow[6] > Creep > Uncle John's Band Jam[2][6] > Free[4] > Bugle on the Shelf > Nebraska[12] > Jack & Coke Jam > Bugle on the Shelf Jam > Madhuvan[13] > Melting Lights[14] > Sunsquabi Jam[15] > Madhuvan[13] > Charlie, Helter Chalkdust Skelter Torture[16]
First Encore: Phish Kids, Julius[4]
Second Encore: Going to California[2][17]
[1] This was the final show of the Dogs' Colorado Takeover tour, and the event took place on Bicycle Day. In honor of the occasion, the band performed a cover-heavy set, playing homage to other psychedelic and jam bands.
[2] First (known) time played.
[3] The Allman Brothers Band cover.
[4] Phish cover.
[5] Blues Traveler cover.
[6] Grateful Dead cover.
[7] Brian used the "Dark Star" pedal by Old Blood Noise Endeavors that I gave him before the show during portions of Craig and Pat.
[8] The Disco Biscuits cover.
[9] Ween cover.
[10] Stevie Wonder cover.
[11] Vince Guaraldi cover.
[12] moe. cover. Second time played overall. Last played Nov. 8, 2022 (62 shows).
[13] Goose cover.
[14] Pigeons Playing Ping Pong cover.
[15] With Josh Fairman of Sunsquabi on bass. Sam briefly left the stage and returned to play keys with Jeremy.
[16] Mashup of Helter Skelter by The Beatles and Chalkdust Torture by Phish.
[17] Led Zeppelin Cover. The band left the stage after Julius. Jimmy, Brian, and Sam returned to the stage for another encore sans Joey and Jeremy (Nick Codina brought out three barstools while everyone was in the green room). Brian played acoustic guitar and Jimmy played the mandolin. Sam played his regular electric bass.