I've asked Sir Casey what the price is for this sbd to be released... I'm willing to pay, but I'm also afraid because then everybody is going to hear me experiencing Dogs for the first time and I'm going to be known as 'the guy who kinda sorta ruined the 9/8/22 sbd because he kept screaming at Sam calling him 'Bassman'". Is there a character limit on these reviews? I'm about to find out... this is my story.
My good friend Daniel Combs (formerly of Jahman Brahman, TUB, currently playing with Elora Dash, Josh Clark's Visible Spectrum) recommended that I attend Birds of a Feather music festival just Southeast of Cinci, since I had just recently moved from Western North Carolina to Louisville, KY. I trust Daniel, so I bought blind-faith tickets for 2022 - I didn't wanna wait...let's not hesitate, I thought. Eventually, the Dogs would be announced as the night 1 headliner - I hadn't heard a lick of them... found a YouTube set... let 'er rip... and the rest is history.
Just a week or even days prior to departing for BOAF, the boys released 8/21/22 on Nugs - the Road to the Ramble show in/around Bmore. I listened to this set over and over and blasted it on the car-drive to the festival just thinking "holy shit, im about to be rocking with these dudes at this TINY ass hippy festival'. I was so, so, so excited. My wife was (and probably still is) over hearing me gush about what was to occur. Prior to the show...let's just say I had a little too much, too fast and needed some privacy during BareFuzz (they rock though, minus my Ralphing).
Showtime comes... I'm feeling GOOD... the boys have set up... the first song? One of my favorites - Westward. I think Brian may have noticed me singing it because... I was probably screaming it in a crowd of 10 - 15 ppl. Now I really think it's time we made a change...Now I gotta tell myself it's gonna be okay...
This was, I think, my first time hearing Tillie and it absolutely rocked me. I remember thinking, "I've never EVER heard a chorus sound like this before..."... hi-ho the silver, send the gold, shots fired, i was never told - idk if those lyrics are right but if they are i love them so much - Pirate type shit.
I don't even remember the Look Johnny... but I'm sure it was so bitchin'. The Royals though.... I remember being so deep and lost in the sauce during the jam and then when they went back into the chorus... me and my group of ppl were just like WHATTTT THHUUUUUU and erupted into funky groves.
I also had no recollection of the Smash Mouth cover, but the girl I was hanging out with absolutely loved it lol
Spun made me spin, for sure... and the end of Spun > Trunk Rum clav intro literally made my jaw drop. I hadn't ever heard it before. I knew my life was going to be different after that.
To end it all, the classic Boogie On Linus n Lucy... by this time, the less-than-acre of hippies, young and old, were stomping to some of the greatest music ever written. I NEED to re-hear this!!!!
I ended up leaving the festival early, missing out on The Werks and some other cool groups because I was just so obsessed with the Dogs instantaneously. Nothing has been the same since.