This show kicked off my 4-night run following the Dogs around the Midwest/South - my 2nd time following any sort of band for consecutive night shows. Drove 7hr from Louisville, KY to the AC Madison just blocks away from the High Noon Saloon and prepared for the show of a lifetime.
The boy's first time in Madison... I think there was something to do with the water in the area... Asbury Park has a lot of water.. Madison is surrounded by seemingly great lakes.
Westward is maybe my favorite opener, competing with Crazy, but golly, what a song. What a story. My first Four More Days followed which was a certified booty-shaker. Cats is always funky as hail.. The Hesitate was an early jaw-dropper; one online comment I read, someone said that was their favorite jam of the night before having to dip out early. MASSIVE PURE DIRTY BUBBLE - the drums alone on this track have special abilities to change people. Way To Be is always a mega-hard set closer. Isn't life so damn pretty?
Now... set 2... this is where some history took place. All you gotta do is shout "Let's do Stevie Lew!" as the boys are walking on LOL shoutout to Matty O! The next 37 minutes of music may be my all time favorite jams I've ever witnessed. It Gets Better ---> Let U Go tore the place up. The Joey bass bombs in IGB - you can hear our reactions on the SBD :) LOL I thought "Surely, that can't be right, something in the sound just malfunctioned..." but then it happened again and shook the High Noon!! We were fuckin' hoppin'. Applesauce is a Brian shredder song, if ya didn't know. They sliddddd right into Fenway, and then WOTW is such an awesome story... hope you're not gonna do what I think you're goin' to...
The classic Boogie On Linus and Lucy outro felt so good - shoutout to Kate and Steven from Univ. of Madison - they boogied hard w/ me all night!! Maybe my favorite Dogs show of all time, so far... even counting The Great Divide..